Saturday 3 September 2016

Brain Wars - Test your brain

Hello, readers it's been a long while I wrote about any game. Today, I am giving you insights of a different kind of gaming genre, the brain games. These category of games are not so popular among average gamers, but rapidly gaining importance status among mature and adult smartphone users. One of best thing about these category of games is they give you something back. And when I mean something it obviously means the brain power and capacity. So, let me just tell you about the game without waste any time.

This game is available on Google Play by the name Brain Wars. This mind boggling game is developed by Translimit Inc a Japanese developer. Translimit has not many games to its name. It is just a second game from Translimit. This game is made up of 30 mini brain games where you have give some stress to your brain to play these games. I call them mini games not puzzles, because you can play these games repeatedly and excel in them. Whereas in puzzles once you solved a particular puzzle you will more interested in that puzzle again. Basic necessity of this game is have network connectivity to play in real time arcade mode. You can challenge any random user of this around the globe. There will be three rounds of battles with your opponent. You can login with your facebook account and challenge your own friends who is already having the this app. The only thing he or she needs to online too to compete with you.

The format of this game is so fresh and new yet addictive. I am already enjoying this game from last few days and I would definitely recommend someone to download this game. As you progress in this game and increase your brain power gradually you will find the different grades you can achieve. You can start with Chicken, Turtle, Cat, Dog, Dolphin etc. These grades are rank based on animals wisdom and memory.  So as soon as you start playing and end your first challenge with your opponent your grade will be decided. The game claim to analyze the player's mind which is based on players game playing history and performance.

There are very few things which are negative or something developer has to work on. One is that game gives a random opponent of any grades mostly of higher. This may cause a newbie lose most of his or her game and eventually feeling of difficulty. Developer can also improve the graphics quality as it will attract the new young gamers. And finally one thing which is actually beneficial for users but sometimes a disturbing too. This game does not have an in-app purchases or upgradations since they ads and hence somewhat troublesome for users. Ultimately this game is pure fun brain game where there simple yet hard to master games awaits you.
Guys go for it. Analyze your brain, improve your brain power!

Rating: 8/10 (Immersive)

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